Abstract: The CEO problem of estimating a single binary data source using multiple observations is considered. A closed form equation for maximum achievable ...
The CEO problem of estimating a single binary data source using multiple observations is considered and a new criterion for sensor clustering is provided ...
The optimum number of sensors in each cluster, M depends on the system quality conditions such as sensors' observation accuracy, channel SNR, and coding rate, ...
Oct 22, 2024 · On minimum number of wireless sensors required for reliable binary source estimation. Conference Paper. Mar 2011. Abolfazl Razi ...
On minimum number of wireless sensors required for reliable binary source estimation · Computer Science, Engineering. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking ...
The motivation of this study is to propose an efficient algorithm called the quick BAT to evaluate binary-state network reliability.
Abedi, “On minimum number of wireless sensors required for reliable binary source estimation,” IEEE WCNC, Mar. 2011. [6] J. Garcia-Frias and Z. Xiong ...
On minimum number of wireless sensors required for reliable binary source estimation. Razi A., Yasami K., Abedi A. · 2011 ; Spatial Correlation and Mobility Aware ...
Feb 22, 2023 · We develop an on-the-fly drift-correction method to make unreliable sensors reliable by correcting any systematic drifts during operation.
We define the reliability of the WSN as the probability that a contact path exists between the sink node and at least one operational sensor in a target ...