Under first-fit, a vertex x is colored with k if and only if x is comparable to each vertex of C k and, for each i < k , there is some vertex y ∈ C i so that y ...
Here, we provide a subexponential upper bound (in terms of w with m fixed) for the performance of First-Fit chain partitioning on m-ladder-free posets.
Here, we provide a subexponential upper bound (in terms of ww with mm fixed) for the performance of First-Fit chain partitioning on mm-ladder-free posets, as ...
On first-fit coloring of ladder-free posets · H. Kierstead, Matthew E. Smith · Published in European journal of… 1 February 2013 · Mathematics · Eur. J. Comb.
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Dec 16, 2019 · The performance of First-Fit on N-free posets is closely related to the performance of the greedy coloring algorithm on graphs that contain no ...
In this paper we prove that First-Fit uses at most 3 t w 2 chains to partition any poset of width w which does not induce two incomparable chains of height t.
Oct 22, 2024 · Fishburn [10] showed that the class of interval posets coincide with the class of (2 + 2)-free posets, where (k + k) is a poset consisting of ...
It is known that the First-Fit algorithm for partitioning a poset P into chains uses relatively few chains when P does not have two incomparable chains each ...
It is proved that first-fit uses a bounded number of colors on the graphs in G iff there is an incomparability graph of clique size $2$ not contained in ...