Several facts suggest the conjecture that all finite Tits geometries of type C3 with thick lines are either buildings or flat.
In the finite case with thick lines such degenerate geometries are easily shown not to exist, while finite buildings of type Cn with thick lines do not admit ...
Several facts suggest the conjecture that all finite Tits geometries of type C3 with thick lines are either buildings or flat.
Several facts suggest the conjecture that all finite Tits geometries of type C3 with thick lines are either buildings or flat.
Jan 1, 1987 · On Tits geometries of type C · Contents. European Journal of Combinatorics. Volume 8, Issue 1 · PREVIOUS ARTICLE. Isomorphism problem for ...
On Tits Geometries of Type Cn ... Several facts suggest the conjecture that all finite Tits geometries of type C3 with thick lines are either buildings or flat.
Let Γ be a geometry in (Cn)q. We prove that, if n > 3 and Aut(Γ) is transitive on the set of elements of type n - 4, the Γ is a building. We show that,, when n⩾ ...
A. Brouwer and A. Cohen, Local recognition of Tits geometries of classical type. Geometriae Dedicata 20 (1986), 181–199. Google Scholar. F. Buekenhout and C.
In the above proposition for geometries of type Cn we can weaken the 'thick' part of the hypothesis by only requiring that lines are incident to at least ...
We begin with a few remarks about general properties of chamber systems, apply these to a discussion of geometries of type Cn, say a bit more about the case ...