Despite the diversity, an argument in logic- based argumentation is commonly defined as a pair of which the first item is a set of formulae that proves the second item (i.e. a logical formula). There have been several investigation of and success with the use of proof techniques in logic.
On Explanation of Propositional Logic-based Argumentation System. 327. Figure 4: A core of an instantiated abstract argumentation framework. work F built from ...
The model replaces the traditional concepts of 'claim' and 'premise' with new concepts of 'claim', 'data', 'warrant', 'qualifier', 'rebuttal', and 'backing' ...
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Propositional logic is a type of formal logic that deals with the logical relationships between propositions.
Logic-based argumentation systems are developed for reasoning with inconsistent information. Starting from a knowledge base encoded in a logical language, ...
Mar 8, 2023 · In propositional logic, an argument is valid if the conclusion logically follows from the premises. In the example you provided, the argument is ...
Propositional logic largely involves studying logical connectives such as the words “and” and “or” and the rules determining the truth-values of the ...
The logic of argumentation (LA) is a formalised description of the ways in which humans reason and argue about propositions.
sitional Logic (PL). In particular, it shows that AL and PL are logically equivalent in that they have the same entailment relation from any given ...
May 1, 2023 · Propositional logic provides a way to reason logically and systematically about the truth or falsity of propositions and to create proofs or ...