This talk will assess the state of computer science, the expanding research horizons, the shaping of the new “Information technology for the Twenty First ...
Jul 11, 1999 · This talk will assess the state of computer science, the expanding research horizons, the shaping of the new "Information technology for the ...
Computer Science. (Keynote Address). Juris Hartmanis. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. Abstract. Observations about computer science, after two years in Was ...
Nov 21, 2024 · This paper discusses the nature of computer science as a science by analyzing computer science and comparing or contrasting it with other sciences.
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What is the nature of computer science?
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Jun 16, 2012 · All this wide-spread misappreciation of what automatic computing is all about is a threat to computing science because it tends to divert the research effort.
This annual report on K-12 computer science in the United States provides an update on national and state-level computer science education policy.
Missing: Observations Nature (Keynote Address).
Provides an abstract for each of the keynote presentations and may include a brief professional biography of each.
The next major innovations in computer science and engineering are likely to come from "intelligent" deployment of human-centric systems that must optimally ...
SC97 Keynote Address, Invited Speakers, and State-of-the-field Talks. SC97 offers several presentations by invited speakers, starting with Paul Saffo keynote.
These combined proceedings summarize presentations of two conference programs designed to address state-mandated student achievement issues. Dr. Terrel Bell ...