Negation as Failure is the most common treatment of negation in logic programming. It is essentially a rule of inference stating that if A is a ground atom, ...
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We present a novel procedural semantics similar to resolution which can retrieve both negative and positive information about a particular goal in a uniform ...
A logic programming language which uses a four-valued bilattice as the underlying framework for semantics of programs and develops the concept of ...
Contents. Proceedings of the second international workshop on Logic programming and non-monotonic reasoning. Negation as partial failure. Pages 244 - 262 ...
Negation As Failure (NAF, for short) is a non-monotonic inference rule in logic programming, used to derive n o t p {\displaystyle \mathrm {not} ~p} ...
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This is the negation as failure inference rule whereby ~ P can be inferred if every possible proof of P fails. The chief advantage of the query evaluator ...
Since q succeeds, fail ensures that not(q) fails. The cut is needed to ensure that everything following the not is pruned, even if it contains a success branch.
For classical logic the results are almost as good. But for failure they are not; the class of queries Q for which Q fails when - Q is a consequence (even an ...
not is negation by failure (NBF): not B succeeds when all attempts to prove B fail in finite time. (There are more precise ways of saying this, but this will do ...