Abstract. We propose a new negation rule for logic programming which derives existentially closed negative literals, and we define a version of completion for ...
This paper improves the situation with respect to the second limitation, by presenting a new rule which allows us to derive existentially closed negative.
In this case negative literals are to be treated by negation as failure and quantified negative literals by negation as instantiation. We believe that such ...
A negation rule based on instantiation, the so-called Negation As Instantiation rule (NAI), allows for inferring existentially closed negative queries from ...
Dec 15, 1996 · A negation rule based on instanti- ation, the so-called Negation As Instantiation rule (NAI), allows for inferring existentially closed negative ...
We propose a new negation rule for logic programming which derives existentially closed negative literals, and we define a version of completion for which ...
Jun 1, 2005 · We call this notion weak instantiation, as it is a generalization of the instantiation property introduced in [3]. A negation rule based on ...
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1996. TLDR. A negation rule based on instantiation, the so-called Negation As Instantiation rule (NAI), allows for inferring existentially closed negative ...
A negation rule based on instantiation, the so-called Negation As Instantiation rule (NAI), allows for inferring existentially closed negative queries, that is ...