We have developed a remote-controlled surgical assistance robot called Zerobot. In animal puncture experiment, the operation of Zerobot was based on joint ...
Needle Tip Position Accuracy Evaluation Experiment for Puncture Robot in Remote Center Control. from pdfs.semanticscholar.org
This paper presents an overview of robotic IR, a pro- posal for remote center control, and an experiment for evaluating the positioning accuracy of the tip of ...
This paper presents an overview of robotic IR, a pro- posal for remote center control, and an experiment for evaluating the positioning accuracy of the tip of ...
Needle Tip Position Accuracy Evaluation Experiment for Puncture Robot in Remote Center Control. from www.semanticscholar.org
A remote-controlled surgical assistance robot called Zerobot is developed that can perform IR percutaneously while observing the fluoroscopic image of ...
In order to overcome this problem, we have developed a remote-controlled surgical assistance robot called Zerobot. In animal puncture experiment, the operation ...
Needle Tip Position Accuracy Evaluation Experiment for Puncture Robot in Remote Center Control ... This problem can be solved by using remote center control ...
CT-guided needle positioning with the robot was more successful and accurate than freehand needle positioning and required fewer needle position adjustments.
Sep 2, 2020 · This study focuses on determining the optimum puncture pattern for robot-assisted insertion, aiming at the matching problem of needle insertion parameters.
Abstract:This study aimed to evaluate the accuracy and safety of robotic CT-guided needle insertion in phantom and animal experiments.
In the IR procedure by the robot, the robot is operated by remote control to bring the needle tip to the puncture point above the body surface. If the robot is ...