May 10, 2005 · Users must repeatedly glance at the display to see when the page finally arrives, although mobility demands a Minimal Attention User Interface.
May 14, 2005 · In the present paper, we investigate the need for non-visual feedback with long system response times, particularly when downloading Web pages ...
A study suggests that mobile users get distracted in average after 4 seconds, when waiting for a computational result in a mobile context [17] . Our takeaways ...
A user study finds that the user's visual attention shifted away from the mobile browser usually between 4 and 8 seconds in the mobile context, ...
May 14, 2005 · Nielsen recommends providing a progress indicator in the form of percent-done whenever the response time is expected to exceed ten seconds - ...
Need for non-visual feedback with long response times in mobile HCI. V. Roto, Antti Oulasvirta · Department of Computer Science. Research output: Chapter in ...
Virpi Roto , Antti Oulasvirta: Need for non-visual feedback with long response times in mobile HCI. WWW (Special interest tracks and posters) 2005: 775-781.
Need for non-visual feedback with long response times in mobile HCI. Roto V., Oulasvirta A. Expand. Publication type: Proceedings Article.
In the context of user experience, long response times can directly impact how users perceive an application's speed and overall performance. A slow response ...
Haptics is a feedback technology that takes advantage of the human sense of touch by applying forces, vibrations, and/or motions.