This paper presents some applications to FIR filter design of multi-D windows over arbitrary lattices and with arbitrary center of spatial symmetry.
This paper presents some applications to FIR filter design of multi-D windows over arbitrary lattices and with arbitrary center of spatial symmetry.
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Multidimensional windows over arbitrary lattices and their application to FIR filter design. Request PDF. Restricted access. Profile Image. S. Coulombe.
This paper presents some applications to FIR filter design of multi-D windows over arbitrary lattices and with arbitrary center of spatial symmetry. First, ...
This paper presents some applications to FIR filter design of multi-D windows over arbitrary lattices and with arbitrary center of spatial symmetry. First, ...
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Article. Multidimensional windows over arbitrary lattices and their application to FIR filter design · Author Picture S. Coulombe. INRS Telecommun., Verdun, Que ...
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