Dec 31, 2008 · It is especially useful when dealing with complex simulations or analyses where behavior in various localities differs from other localities and ...
In each case, the probe-based interaction enhances spatial awareness, improves inspection and comparison capabilities, expands the range of scopes, and ...
The probe concept can be incorporated into a variety of geospatial visualizations to empower users with the ability to observe, coordinate, and compare data ...
Our probe concept can be incorporated into a variety of geospatial visualizations to empower users with the ability to observe, coordinate, and compare data ...
Our probe concept can be incorporated into a variety of geospatial visualizations to empower users with the ability to observe, coordinate, and compare data ...
Our probe concept can be incorporated into a variety of geospatial visualizations to empower users with the ability to observe, coordinate, and compare data ...
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Connected Papers is a visual tool to help researchers and applied scientists find academic papers relevant to their field of work.
Business: it is well-known for: cellular biosciences; geosciences|ocean sciences; advanced cyberinfrastructure; molecular and cellular bioscience; geosciences; ...
Dec 1, 2017 · This paper presents an efficient and reliable method that uses multi-source geospatial big data, including nighttime light imagery and social media check-in ...
Missing: Probes. | Show results with:Probes.
Abstract. We present a probe-based interface for the exploration of the results of a geospatial simulation of urban growth. Because our interface allows the ...