The Hercule diagnosis system applies model-based methods to automate performance diagnosis processes and explain performance problems from high-level ...
The paper demonstrates the effectiveness of Hercule's approach to relative diagnosis of the well-known Sweep3D application based on a Wavefront model. Relative ...
Li Li, Allen D. Malony, Kevin A. Huck : Model-Based Relative Performance Diagnosis of Wavefront Parallel Computations. HPCC 2006: 200-209.
Relative diagnoses of Sweep3D (implemented with Wavefront model) performance anomalies in strong and weak scaling cases are presented. In Chapter 6, we extend ...
Oct 15, 2008 · Here we introduce the concept of relative performance diagnosis and show how it can be integrated in a model-based diagnosis framework. The ...
L. Li, A. D. Malony and K. Huck, "Model-Based Relative Performance Diagnosis of Wavefront Parallel Computations", in the proceedings of HPCC 2006.
A performance diagnosis system can leverage knowledge of performance causes and symptoms that come from expertise with parallel computational models. This paper ...
Model-Based Diagnosis (MBD) is a principled and domain-independent way of analyzing why a system under examination is not behaving as expected.
This paper describes a rule-based framework to identify root causes of performance limits, to untangle the effects of the system configuration.
Model-Based Relative Performance Diagnosis of Wavefront Parallel Computations. Conference Paper. Sep 2006; Lect Notes Comput Sci. Li Li · Allen ...