Jan 2, 2020 · Abstract: Caching on edge nodes can effectively reduce the burden on the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) networks.
To strengthen the connectivity between vehicles, related transport protocols can be designed to shorten the communication time in the MEC-aided IoV [11,12].
Feb 3, 2023 · An LSTM-based vehicle location prediction model is designed to estimate the number of vehicles staying in the service area of each RSU. Based on ...
Mobility Prediction Based Vehicular Edge Caching: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Approach. Y. Guo, Z. Ning, and R. Kwok. ICCT, page 1120-1125.
A caching strategy for both RSUs and vehicles with the goal of maximizing the caching node throughput is proposed and a deep deterministic policy gradient ...
Feb 2, 2023 · The road side unit (RSU) and vehicle can serve as caching nodes by providing storage space closer to users through a mobile edge computing (MEC) ...
Dec 2, 2024 · Mobility-aware cooperative caching in vehicular edge computing based on asynchronous federated and deep reinforcement learning. IEEE J. Sel ...
To solve this problem, caching can be performed at a closer proximity to the user which in turn would reduce the latency by distributing requests. The road side ...
This paper considers vehicle mobility and proposes a cooperative caching scheme in the VEC based on asynchronous federated and deep reinforcement learning ...
Feb 3, 2023 · The road side unit (RSU) and vehicle can serve as caching nodes by providing storage space closer to users through a mobile edge computing (MEC) ...
Missing: Approach. | Show results with:Approach.