Shared-Sphere is a wearable MR remote collaboration system. In addition to sharing a live captured immersive panorama, SharedSphere enriches the collaboration ...
This research investigates on how to further improve shared live panorama based collaborative experiences by applying Mixed Reality (MR) technology.
This research focuses on further improving shared live panorama based collaborative experiences by applying Mixed Reality (MR) technology.
Shared- Sphere is a wearable MR remote collaboration system. In addition to sharing a live captured immersive panorama, SharedSphere enriches the collaboration ...
This research investigates on how to further improve shared live panorama based collaborative experiences by applying Mixed Reality (MR) technology in ...
Mixed reality collaboration through sharing a live panorama. from sa2017.siggraph.org
Description: We present SharedSphere, an MR remote collaboration system which not only allows sharing of a live captured immersive panorama, but also allows ...
Jul 11, 2018 · Mixed reality collaboration through sharing a live panorama. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Mobile Graphics & Interactive Applications (SA '17). ACM ...
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Mixed reality collaboration through sharing a live panorama. from empathiccomputing.org
Mixed Reality Collaboration through Sharing a Live Panorama · Hand gestures and visual annotation in live 360 panorama-based mixed reality remote collaboration.
This research investigates how to further improve live 360 panorama based remote collaborative experiences by adding Mixed Reality (MR) cues.
Jul 10, 2023 · Video about our research on combining 3D reconstructed scenes with 360 video to improve collaboration between AR and VR users.
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