The minimum entropy orientation problem (MINEO) is the problem of finding an orientation of G with an in-degree distribution p minimizing H ( p ) .
Feb 9, 2008 · Abstract: We study graph orientations that minimize the entropy of the in-degree sequence. The problem of finding such an orientation is an ...
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The minimum entropy orientation problem (MINEO) is the problem of finding an orientation of G with an in-degree distribution p minimizing H(p). The study of ...
The min-entropy is never greater than the ordinary or Shannon entropy (which measures the average unpredictability of the outcomes) and that in turn is never ...
Missing: Orientations | Show results with:Orientations
We study graph orientations that minimize the entropy of the in-degree sequence. We prove that the minimum entropy orientation problem is NP-hard even if the ...
We study graph orientations that minimize the entropy of the in-degree sequence. We prove that the minimum entropy orientation problem is NP-hard even if ...
Minimum entropy orientations · J. Cardinal, Samuel Fiorini, G. Joret · Published in Operations Research Letters 8 February 2008 · Mathematics.
That is, a nonequilibrium steady state should be the one that makes some kind of generalized entropy production stationary; and even in the presence of ...
Abstract. Minimum entropy is described as an analytic criterion for rotation to simple structure for both principal component and factor analysis data matrices.
We survey recent results on combinatorial optimization problems in which the objective function is the entropy of a discrete distribution.