Sep 9, 2022 · Abstract:An attacker can gain information of a user by analyzing its network traffic. The size of transferred data leaks information about ...
Sep 9, 2022 · This work focuses on finding optimal padding schemes that keep a balance between privacy and the costs of bandwidth increase. We consider Rényi-.
This work focuses on finding optimal padding schemes that keep a balance between privacy and the costs of bandwidth increase, and considers Renyi-min ...
An attacker can gain information of a user by analyzing its network traffic. The size of transferred data leaks information about the file being transferred ...
Sep 9, 2022 · An attacker can gain information of a user by analyzing its network traffic. The size of transferred data leaks information about the file ...
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An attacker can gain information of a user by analyzing its network traffic. The size of transferred data leaks information about the file being transferred ...
In this paper we systematically analyze this problem under realistic constraints regarding the padding over- head that the object store is willing to incur. We ...
The study of padding schemes that minimize information leakage about the objects being retrieved is a topic that has received considerable attention in the ...
Minimizing Information Leakage under Padding Constraints. S Simon, C Petrui, C Pinzón, C Palamidessi. arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.04379, 2022. 2, 2022. The system ...
Dec 20, 2023 · The objective is to pad the files with some small overhead to obfuscate the information gained by the attacker and reduce his chances of ...