Abstract. In an interactive multi-user data-processing system a user knows the probabilities of his messages and must encode them into a fixed system-wide ...
I give an algorithm which, for each of several measures of performance, finds the codeword set best by that measure for the worst user, and some of the minimax ...
An algorithm is given which, for each of several measures of performance, finds the codeword set best by that measure for the worst user, and some of the ...
Efficient Integer Coding for Arbitrary Probability Distributions · Minimax optimal universal codeword sets · Adaptive Universal Codes for Integer Representation.
Development of two new mean codeword lengths · Minimax optimal universal codeword sets · On representations of positive integers in the Fibonacci base.
Codewords are all pairs (u, v) of vectors in V,, over GF(q) such that their inner product equal to a given (scalar) constant u in GF(q). Exumple 1: The ...
Abstract. The classical problem of supervised learning is to infer an accurate predictor of a target variable Y from a measured variable.
Minimax optimal universal codeword sets · Author Picture P. Elias. Pages 491 ... codeword set. He needs to receive the answer to his last message before ...
A minimax code is defined by real-valued parameters/, (resembling the lengths of codewords) which minimize the maximum ratio over the set of monotonically ...
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Aug 6, 2012 · The optimal codeword lengths obtained are based on a new coding algorithm which transforms the initial source probability vector into a new ...