To better understand students' difficulties and begin to explore potential solutions to facilitate this transition, a 10-week, quasi-experimental study was ...
An increasingly popular approach to the design of introductory programming tools is the use of graphical, blocks-based programming environments that leverage a ...
To better understand students' difficulties and begin to explore potential solutions to facilitate this transition, a 10-week, quasi-experimental study was ...
The goal of this project is to understand the affects of blocks-based programming on students' emerging understandings, document challenges students face in ...
A Web-based Visualized OOP Learning Tool (VLT-OOP), which visualizes the important and abstract concepts of OOP to assist students in visually understanding ...
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Jun 29, 2022 · These technologies feature clear, easy-to-use block coding (and text-based coding) interfaces. They also provide a hands-on experience that will help your ...
Minding the Gap Between Blocks-Based and Text-Based Programming (Abstract Only). SIGCSE '15: Proceedings of the 46th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science ...
Abstract. The landscape of introductory programming environments is going through a period of rapid growth, with many new environments emerging and quickly ...
Blocks-based programming has become a very popular technology for teaching introductory programming in schools, but it still faces some issues as learners ...
In this article, we present the results of a 5-week, quasi-experimental study comparing isomorphic block-based and text-based programming environments in an ...