Mercurial Commitments: Minimal Assumptions and Efficient Constructions. Conference paper. pp 120–144; Cite this conference paper. Download book PDF · Theory of ...
We give an affirmative answer to this question, by providing sim- ple constructions of TMCs from any trapdoor bit commitment scheme. Moreover, by plugging in ...
We give an affirmative answer to this question, by giving two simple constructions of mercurial commitments from any trapdoor bit commitment scheme. By plugging ...
Dive into the research topics of 'Mercurial commitments: Minimal assumptions and efficient constructions'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Mercurial ...
We give an affirmative answer to this question, by providing simple constructions of TMCs from any trapdoor bit commitment scheme. Moreover, by plugging in ...
We provide an alternative proof of the same feasibility result, as well as more efficient constructions based on different assumptions, as detailed next. 1.3 ...
Mercurial commitments: minimal assumptions and efficient constructions. TCC ... Efficient constructions of composable commitments and zero-knowledge proofs.
Oct 22, 2024 · We introduce a new flavor of commitment schemes, which we call mercurial commitments. Informally, mercurial commitments are standard ...
Efficient implementations of ZKS protocols are based on the notion of mercurial commitments. Our efficient constructions of independent ZKS protocols requires ...
In this work, we analyze those important properties and propose a new primitive called mercurial subvector commitments, which are efficiently updatable, mer-.