Mar 12, 2014 · Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, New York, 1975 - Volume 42 Issue 1.
New York, 1975. The 1975-76 Annual Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic was held at the Statler. Hilton Hotel in New York City on December 28-29 ...
Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (2):299-304 (1975). @article{Gilmore1975 ... Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, New York, 1974". Journal of ...
Bibliographic details on Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: New York, 1975.
Meeting of the association for symbolic logic: New York, 1975.Paul Benacerraf, Simon Kochen & Gerald Sacks - 1977 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 42 (1):143-155.
The 1974-75 annual meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic was held on 23-24. January, 1975 at the Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C., in conjunction ...
Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, New York, 1974 - Volume 40 Issue 2.
Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: Jerusalem, Israel, 1975. ... Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: New York, 1975. 143-155. view.
The Association holds two major annual meetings to present current research in all aspects of logic in a way that is accessible to all logicians. These meetings ...
Missing: New York, 1975.
... meeting at the ASL Business Office: ASL, Box. 742, Vassar College, 124 Raymond Avenue, Poughkeepsie, New York 12604, USA; Fax: 1-845-437-7830; email: asl ...