A review of the methods of measuring acquiescence suggests that there is insufficient justification for regarding acquiescence as a single trait.
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Acquiescence, which is defined as agreeing to items regardless of content, is a well-known bias in self-report instruments. This paper investigates the ...
ily I call measurement acquiescence. It's a mythoid because you can measure productivity to a useful goal. And many indeed do. For example, extreme.
Non-invariances may occur when disregarding (group differences in) an acquiescence response style (ARS; an agreeing tendency regardless of item content).
Acquiescence is sometimes referred to as "yea-saying" and is the tendency of a respondent to agree with a statement when in doubt.
Acquiescence is a tendency to systematically agree with all items without regard to their content. It is questionable whether acquiescence is consistent ...
Jun 20, 2007 · Acquiescence (yes-set) describes the general tendency of a person to provide affirmative answers to items of a questionnaire, regardless of the ...
A 56-item scale of social acquiescence has been developed by internal consistency item analysis. It has a reliability above .90 and correlates .95 with the ...
Its a mythoid because you can measure productivity to a useful goal. And many indeed do. For example, extreme programmers can track velocity to improve their ...
Acquiescent responding, also called agreement bias, refers to a tendency to agree with questions, regardless of item content (e.g., Martin, 1964) . Extremity ...