Dec 17, 2008 · A typical network design problem consists of identifying a subnetwork of a given network that satisfies a set of constraints and minimizes ...
Jul 1, 2009 · A typical network design problem consists of identifying a subnetwork of a given network that satisfies a set of constraints and minimizes ...
In this study, we first review lower planes for the budget-constrained NDP, and based on these lower planes we develop algorithms to find lower bounds for the ...
We study several network design problems with degree constraints. For the degree-constrained 2-connected subgraph problem we obtain a factor 6 violation for ...
Missing: bounding | Show results with:bounding
Şahin, Güvenç, and Ravindra K. Ahuja. "Lower bounding techniques for the degree-constrained network design problem." Networks 53, no. 4 (December 17, 2008): 334 ...
We study several network design problems with degree constraints. For the minimum-cost Degree-Constrained 2-Node-Connected Subgraph problem, we obtain the ...
Missing: bounding techniques
Two new lower planes for the network design problems through combinatorial arguments are derived and one is of complexity O(n4) and produces a lower bound ...
In this paper, we consider techniques for establishing lower bounds on the number of arm pulls for best-arm identification in the multi-armed bandit problem ...
Lower bounding techniques for the degree-constrained network design problem ... We consider degree-constrained network design problems where we specify an upper ...
Abstract. Iterative rounding and relaxation have arguably become the method of choice in dealing with unconstrained and constrained network design problems.