We demonstrate the idea on the ExoGENI testbed, which allows slices to interconnect and exchange traffic over peering links by mutual consent.
Oct 9, 2020 · We demonstrate the idea on the ExoGENI testbed, which allows slices to interconnect and exchange traffic over peering links by mutual consent.
Oct 9, 2020 · The prototype uses logic rules to verify IP prefix ownership, filter and validate route advertisements, and imple- ment user-specified policies ...
We propose a logical trust approach to network security for testbed-hosted Network Service Providers (NSPs), imple- mented in the ExoPlex network controller ...
This work proposes abstractions and security infrastructure to facilitate multi-domain networking, and a reusable controller toolkit for network service ...
Logical peering for interdomain networking on testbeds. - dblp
dblp.org › rec › corr › abs-2010-04707
Bibliographic details on Logical peering for interdomain networking on testbeds.
We propose DCLab that creates a low-cost reconfigurable SDN testbed using white-box switches. This paper explains the architecture of DCLab and reports ...
PEERING is a system that provides safe and easy access for researchers and educators to the Internet's BGP routing system.
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The vSDX slice controller runs an instance of the SAFE logical inference engine to validate each request against configured security policies before approval.
2014. Logical Peering for Interdomain Networking on Testbeds. Y Yao, Q Cao, P Ruth, M Cevik, C Wang, J Chase. IEEE INFOCOM 2020-IEEE Conference on Computer ...