This volume presents the locality-sensitive approach to distributed network algorithms-the utilization of locality to simplify control structures and ...
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LOCALITY IN DISTRIBUTED GRAPH ALGORITHMS*. NATHAN LINIALt. Abstract. This paper concerns a number of algorithmic problems on graphs and how they may.
The topic of this thesis is the issue of locality in distributed computing. A first set of results in this thesis concerns the Δ -vertex coloring problem.
This paper concerns a number of algorithmic problems on graphs and how they may be solved in a distributed fashion.
But the analysis will quickly form a working set of data and applications that should be co-located in a high performance cluster of processors, storage, and ...
Dec 3, 2022 · Locality in distributed models is basically the extent to which a global solution for a computational problem problem can be obtained from locally available ...
This thesis suggests new ways in which distributed routing schemes can exploit locality in an efficient manner by proposing new and improved space-stretch ...
A key concept that the theory of distributed computing studies is locality: how far does each node need to see in the graph to pick its own part of the solution ...
In the distributed computing problem, it leads to higher communication and storage overheads. In general, the more fragments for an item, the worse its locality ...
This volume presents the locality-sensitive approach to distributed network algorithms-the utilization of locality to simplify control structures and algorithms ...