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Abstract. Topological relationships between spatial objects are important for querying, reasoning, and indexing of data within spatial databases. These re-.
Topological relationships between spatial objects are important for querying, reasoning, and indexing of data within spatial databases.
Topological relationships between spatial objects are important for querying, reasoning, and indexing of data within spatial databases.
A fine-grained view on topological relationships between complex regions is introduced, which focuses on leveraging information about the local topology ...
People also ask
What are the three topological relationships?
What are topological relationships among spatial objects?
Topological relationships between spatial objects are important for querying, reasoning, and indexing of data within spatial databases.
Mark McKenney, Alejandro Pauly, Reasey Praing, Markus Schneider: Local Topological Relationships for Complex Regions. SSTD 2007: 203-220.
Topological relationship queries with complex regions are very important. For example, an insurance company may need to search for properties within a flooded ...
(PDF) Local Topological Relationships for Complex Regions › publication › loc...
Local Topological Relationships for Complex Regions by Mark McKenney, Alejandro Pauly, Reasey Praing, Markus Schneider published in Lecture Notes in.
In this paper we propose a novel, hybrid model of topological relationships for composite regions that provides access to the global topological relationships ...
ABSTRACT. Topological relationships between objects in space are of great importance in many disciplines. Recently, topological.