Reification comes from the Latin verb 'reificare,' which means to make a thing. The concept was first introduced by Marx and Engels, who used it to describe the process by which social relationships are turned into concrete entities, i.e., capitalism turns workers into objects that are bought and sold.
Mar 23, 2011 · The pattern literal reification is a modelling technique to address scenarios in which we need to bless particular literals, usually when ...
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In this paper we introduce the pattern literal reification, a modelling technique to address scenarios, in which we need to bless particular literals, usually ...
This paper introduces the pattern literal reification, a modelling technique to address scenarios, in which one needs to bless particular literals, ...
In this paper we introduce the pattern literal reification, a modelling technique to address scenarios, in which we need to bless particular literals, ...
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Abstract. Reifying literals clearly increases expressivity. But reified literals appear to waste memory, slow queries, and complicate graph-based models.
In Marxist philosophy, reification (Verdinglichung, "making into a thing") is the process by which human social relations are perceived as inherent attributes.
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ABSTRACT In this paper we introduce the pattern literal reification, a modelling technique to address scenarios, in which we need to bless particular literals, ...
May 29, 2013 · Reification means mistaking, with or without being aware of it, something intangible for something concrete and really existing.
Reification is when you think of or treat something abstract as a physical thing.