This manuscript summarises the doctoral thesis of José Antonio García Díaz at the University of Murcia, under the supervision of doctors Rafael ...
This manuscript summarises the doctoral thesis of José Antonio García Díaz at the University of Murcia, under the supervision of doctors Rafael Valencia-García.
Finally, the features obtained were used to build automatic classification systems for sentiment analysis, emotion analysis, author profiling, and satire ...
The scope of this thesis is Automatic Doc- ument Classification (ADC), an NLP task which consists in assigning a set of prede- fined labels to a set of ...
Linguistic features integration for text classification tasks in Spanish · Refworks · Mendeley · Endnote · Formato BibTex · Texto · EstadísticasEstadísticas ...
En concreto, LIWC es la herramienta de facto para la extracción de características en español. De esta herramienta, se identificaron una serie de carencias, ...
Si desea más información sobre cómo imprimir, guardar y trabajar con PDFs, Highwire Press le proporciona una guía útil de Preguntas frecuentes sobre PDFs. Por ...
Linguistic features integration for text classification tasks in Spanish. García Díaz, José Antonio. unter der Leitung von: Rafael Valencia García Doktorvater.
The objective of this doctoral thesis is the design and evaluation of linguistic features in Spanish and apply them for solving auto- matic text classification ...
Missing: integration | Show results with:integration
We evaluate which language models are best suited to perform author profiling in Spanish. These experiments include basic, distilled, and multilingual models.