We look at this linear transformation approach for Boolean functions where we only allow AND gates, which is essentially the SET COVER problem. These linear ...
More importantly, we learn that the optimal linear transformation to use can depend on the Boolean function whose complexity we wish to bound; we also learn ...
More importantly, we learn that the optimal linear transformation to use can depend on the Boolean function whose complexity we wish to bound; we also learn ...
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How to compute a linear Boolean operator by a small circuit using only unbounded fanin addition gates? Because this question is about.
Every Boolean function f : {0,1} → {0,1} has a unique multilinear representation. Proof. First we show that there exists a multilinear representation of f.
What do we mean by ``close''? Definition: f, over domain of size N, is ε-close to linear if can change at most εN.
Complexity of Linear Boolean Operators ... Abstract: How to compute a linear Boolean operator by a small circuit using only unbounded fanin addition gates?
Missing: Transformations | Show results with:Transformations
Mar 31, 2018 · The linear (over GF(2)) mapping which transforms the truth table of a Boolean function into the table of 2n coefficients au is called Möbius ...
We note in conclusion that the Samuelson-Berkowitz algorithm is not multilinear, in the sense that it computes powers of the variables higher than one. It is an ...
Missing: Linear Transformations
Relationships between various parameters of complexity and various models are studied, and also the relationships to the theory of complexity and uniform ...