Limor Raviv from www.limorravivevolang.com
I am a Minerva research group leader, leading the Language Evolution and Adaptation in Diverse Situations (LEADS) Group at the Max Planck Institute for ...
Limor Raviv from www.mpi.nl
I am currently leading the group Language Evolution and Adaptation in Diverse Situations (LEADS). I am also a part-time Lecturer in Social Interaction at ...

Limor Raviv

Researcher · limorravivevolang.com
Research interests: Language Evolution, Social Structure, Language Acquisition, and more
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen - ‪‪Cited by 843‬‬ - ‪Language Evolution‬ - ‪Social Structure‬ - ‪Language Acquisition‬ - ‪Statistical‬ ...
Limor Raviv from x.com
Group leader LEADS @MPI_NL & Lecturer @cSCAN_UofG ➡️ Language Evolution; Cultural Evolution; Animal & Human Cognition; Open Science; DON'T DREAM IT - BE IT!