Abstract. Preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling paradigms typically introduce undesirable side effects when scheduling real-time tasks, mainly in the ...
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Abstract—The question whether preemptive algorithms are better than nonpreemptive ones for scheduling a set of real-time tasks has been debated for a long ...
Mar 5, 2012 · This paper presents a survey of the existing approaches for reducing preemptions and compares them under different metrics, providing both ...
Abstract—The question whether preemptive algorithms are better than non-preemptive ones for scheduling a set of real-time tasks has been debated for a long ...
Mar 14, 2016 · In this thesis, we investigate the feasibility of limited preemptive scheduling of real-time tasks on uniprocessor and multiprocessor platforms.
This thesis derives schedulability tests for global limited preemptive scheduling under both Earliest Deadline First (EDF) and Fixed Priority Scheduling ...
... A job with a given preemption threshold can only be preempted by another job with a priority that exceeds the specified preemption threshold. With a ...
Jul 12, 2024 · Preemptive scheduling is generally better for real-time systems because it allows high-priority tasks to be addressed immediately, meeting the ...
Abstract—This paper considers the problem of reducing the number of preemptions in a system with periodic tasks and preemption overhead.
These systems add overhead and force all tasks in a single hardware context, sacrificing inter-task protection mechanisms. Furthermore, their non-preemptive ...