In this paper, we propose a deep part-aware representation learning method for person retrieval. First, an improved triplet loss is introduced.
This paper introduced a deep part-aware representation learning method to address the person retrieval problem.
In this paper, we propose a deep part-aware representation learning method for person retrieval. First, an improved triplet loss is introduced such that the ...
Person retrieval is an important vision task, aiming at matching the images of the same person under various camera views. The key challenge of person ...
Title: Learning Deep Part-Aware Embedding for Person Retrieval. Authors: Yang Zhaoa,b. (Given name: Yang, Family name: Zhao).
Via the learning simultaneously guided by the global branch and the localization branch, the proposed method can further improve the performance for person ...
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Chen, Y. Gao, S. Xiong (2021), “Learning deep part-aware embedding for · person retrieval”, Pattern Recognition.
Nov 29, 2021 · We present a novel contextual feature head named Attention Context-Aware Embedding(ACAE) which enhances contextual information.
Missing: deep part-
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