In this paper, we present an orthogonal extension to generic model versioning systems for enabling the detection of an important subset of language-specific ...
Oct 22, 2024 · Signifiers improve the different phases of the versioning process including comparing and merging models leading to a higher quality of the ...
Signifiers improve the different phases of the versioning process including comparing and merging models leading to a higher quality of the finally merged ...
Signifiers improve the different phases of the versioning process including comparing and merging models leading to a higher quality of the finally merged ...
Several model versioning systems have been proposed recently. Most of them are generic in the sense that they are agnostic to modeling languages. Although this ...
Langer, P., Wimmer, M., Gray, J., Kappel, G., & Vallecillo, A. (2012). Language-Specific Model Versioning Based on Signifiers. The Journal of Object Technology ...
Bibliographic details on Language-Specific Model Versioning Based on Signifiers.
This item was automatically migrated from a legacy system. It's data has not been checked and might not meet the quality criteria of the present system. DC ...
In the last few years, dedicated support for model versioning has been proposed to improve the default text-based versioning that version control systems offer.
The ONNX versioning system allows for simple monotonically increasing numbers or semantic versioning (SemVer). For IR and operator sets, versioning is based on ...