Dec 6, 2021 · Abstract:Few-shot classification requires adapting knowledge learned from a large annotated base dataset to recognize novel unseen classes, ...
Few-shot classification requires adapting knowledge learned from a large annotated base dataset to recognize novel un- seen classes, each represented by few ...
We apply Label-Halluc (our method pretrained w/ SKD) on 10-way 5-shot and 20-way 10-shot classification problems on FC-100, CIFAR-FS and miniImageNet. We use a ...
➡. Our method assigns novel-class labels to base images that match the few-shot examples in terms of background, shape, spatial layout, color, or texture.
The most common approach is to fine-tune a new classifier based on support-set S during the testing process, and the prediction process is similar to the ...
Oct 22, 2024 · Few-shot classification requires adapting knowledge learned from a large annotated base dataset to recognize novel unseen classes, ...
Dec 6, 2021 · This paper pseudo-labels the entire large dataset using the linear classifier trained on the novel classes, and finetunes the entire model ...
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Our tensor feature hallucinator (TFH) sets new state of the art on three common few-shot classification bench- marks: miniImagenet, CUB and CIFAR-FS. 4. We ...
Aug 2, 2023 · The proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods with 0.8% to 4.08% increases in classification accuracy for 5-way 5-shot tasks.
Dec 13, 2021 · Bibliographic details on Label Hallucination for Few-Shot Classification.