Aug 16, 2018 · Keyphrase can provide highly summative information which can help us improve information utilization efficiency in the era of information ...
This paper tries to tackle the problem of keyphrase generation and extraction from news articles using deep sequence-to-sequence models.
Sep 7, 2018 · The experimental results on five data sets reveal that our proposed model can achieve a better performance than the traditional extraction ...
Keyphrase can provide highly summative information which can help us improve information utilization efficiency in the era of information overload.
This is an implementation of Deep Keyphrase Generation based on CopyNet. One training dataset (KP20k), five testing datasets (KP20k, Inspec, NUS, SemEval, ...
Feb 16, 2024 · Keyphrase generation aims to generate topical phrases from a given text either by copying from the original text (present keyphrases) or by ...
Aug 16, 2018 · Keyphrase can provide highly summative information which can help us improve information utilization efficiency in the era of information ...
We propose a generative model for keyphrase prediction with an encoder-decoder framework, which can effectively overcome the above drawbacks.
Figure 1: Histograms with Y axis depicting number of keyphrases and X axis indicating keyphrase perplexity values for both present and absent keyphrase ...
We provide support for a range of Deep Keyphrase Generation and Extraction methods with Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs).