Abstract. Polytope Faces Pursuit (PFP) is a greedy algorithm that ap- proximates the sparse solutions recovered by 1 regularised least-squares.
Polytope Faces Pursuit (PFP) is a greedy algorithm that approximates the sparse solutions recovered by ℓ1 regularised least-squares (Lasso) [4,10] in a ...
We now derive the Kernel Polytope Faces Pursuit (KPFP) algorithm, which is a generalisation of Polytope Faces Pursuit (PFP) to Reproducing Kernel Hilbert.
A new algorithm to build sparse kernel-based solutions using PFP is developed, which is called Kernel Polytope Faces Pursuit (KPFP), and is shown to be ...
Polytope Faces Pursuit (PFP) is a greedy algorithm that ap- proximates the sparse solutions recovered by 1 regularised least-squares. (Lasso) [4,10] in a ...
Polytope Faces Pursuit (PFP) is a greedy algorithm that approximates the sparse solutions recovered by ℓ1 regularised least-squares (Lasso) [4,10] in a similar ...
Oct 20, 2009 · Polytope Faces Pursuit (PFP) is a greedy algorithm that approximates the sparse solutions recovered by 1 regularised least-squares (Lasso) ...
The proposed algorithm, which is based on the geometry of the polar polytope, is called Polytope Faces Pursuit and produces good results on examples that ...
the notion of a “kernel-polytope”, and we examine its properties. Chapter 5 presents a couple of negative results. We find that taking the polar of a polytope ...
Missing: Pursuit. | Show results with:Pursuit.
Kernel Polytope Faces Pursuit icon. Kernel Polytope Faces Pursuit. Exact Bayesian Pairwise Preference Learning and Inference on the Uniform Convex Polytope ...