A joint detection threshold optimization and transmit resource allocation (JDTO- TRA) algorithm is proposed to simultaneously maximize tracking performance and ...
Apr 17, 2023 · A joint detection threshold optimization and transmit resource allocation (JDTO-TRA) algorithm is proposed to simultaneously maximize the tracking performance ...
Joint Detection Threshold Optimization and Transmit Resource Allocation for Targets Tracking in Clutter with Colocated MIMO Radar Networks. July 2022. DOI ...
A joint detection threshold optimization and transmit resource allocation (JDTO-TRA) algorithm is proposed to simultaneously maximize the tracking ...
In this paper, we address the problem of joint threshold optimization and power allocation (JTOPA) for target tracking by radar network in clutter. To this end, ...
Jun 30, 2022 · The mechanism of our strategy is to improve the tracking accuracy in the clutter zone by exploiting prior target information, feedback from the filter.
Apr 17, 2023 · Joint Resource and Detection Threshold Optimization for Maneuvering Targets Tracking in Colocated MIMO Radar Network. Yang Su 1.
Jul 18, 2023 · The key concept of the developed strategy is to collaboratively adjust the radar node selection, transmitted power, and effective bandwidth ...
In this paper, a joint antenna scheduling and power allocation (JASPA) scheme is put forward for multi-target tracking (MTT) in the distributed multiple-input ...
Jun 24, 2023 · Joint detection threshold adjustment and power allocation strategy for cognitive MIMO radar target tracking. Digit Signal Process 2022;126 ...