We compare the rates of one-shot and iterative conferencing in a cooperative Gaussian relay channel. The relay and receiver cooperate via a conference, ...
We compare the rates of one-shot and iterative conferencing in a cooperative Gaussian relay channel. The relay and receiver cooperate via a conference, ...
Abstract- We compare the rates of one-shot and iterative con- the relative performance of iterative and one-shot cooperation. ferencing in a cooperative ...
We compare the rates of one-shot and iterative conferencing in a cooperative Gaussian relay channel. The relay and receiver cooperate via a conference, ...
We compare the rates of one-shot and iterative conferencing in a cooperative Gaussian relay channel. The relay and receiver cooperate via a conference, ...
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Iterative and One-shot Conferencing in Relay Channels ... Ng C.T., Maric I., Goldsmith A.J., Shamai S., Yates R.D.. Expand.
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“Iterative and one-shot conferencing in relay channels,” in Proc. IEEE. Inform. Theory Workshop, 2006. [20] N. Jindal, U. Mitra, and A. Goldsmith, “Capacity ...