Abstract: This paper investigates the role of providers' market shares for consumers and websites on interconnection settlements between networks.
Abstract— This paper investigates the role of providers' market shares for consumers and websites on interconnection settlements between networks.
Investigating the Influence of Market Shares on Interconnection Settlements ; Erscheinungsjahr: 2008 ; Buchtitel: 2008 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference : ...
Investigating the Influence of Market Shares on Interconnection Settlements · Ruzana DavoyanJ. Altmann. Economics, Computer Science. IEEE GLOBECOM 2008 - 2008 ...
Davoyan, R., Altmann, J.: Investigating the Influence of Market Shares on Interconnection Settlements. In: Proceedings of IEEE Globecom (2008). Google ...
This paper presents the extension of the Business Strategy Assessment Model (BSAM) into a computationally efficient central-dispatch wholesale market model.
2008-11. Investigating the Influence of Market Shares on Interconnection Settlements · Davoyan, Ruzana; Altmann, Jorn. Globecom 2008, IEEE ...
What is IP interconnection and why is this an important market? IP interconnection ensures that different networks are able to exchange data.
Within an hierarchical ISP environment, strong pressure is applied for the two national providers, who operate within the same market domain, to modify this ...
We focused on the progression of the network operators' market shares throughout the market phases and the influence of different operator characteristics.