This netnographic study explores first-person stories from online personal travel reports to gain an understanding of tourist experiences.
This netnographic study explores first-person stories from online personal travel reports to gain an understanding of tourist experiences.
This study explores the mediation mechanisms of smartphones by examining stories provided by travelers related to their use of smartphones (and associated ...
This netnographic study explores first-person stories from online personal travel reports to gain understanding of tourist experiences at local destinations ...
Iis P. Tussyadiah, Daniel R. Fesenmaier: Interpreting Tourist Experiences from First-Person Stories: A Foundation for Mobile Guides. ECIS 2007: 2259-2270.
This paper applies the user-centred perspective of mobile video ethnography with bio-sensing and facial action coding to study journey experiences.
Missing: Person Stories:
Guides broker experience in at least four domains – physical access, understanding, encounters and empathy.
The purpose of this research was to implement and test a well-established scale for assessing tour guide performance in the museum context.
The first module, based on the Hawaiian story and titled “Kanaka,” earned the coauthors the 2013 John. Wesley Powell Prize for outstanding achievement in the ...
A human guide can help tourists fully experience the local customs. ... According to the statistical results in graph 7, for the first time to travel, people will ...