Performance tuning a parallel application involves integrating performance data from many components of the system, including the message passing library, ...
We show several Devise/Paradyn visualizations which are useful for performance tuning parallel codes, and which incorporate data from Unix utilities and ...
Abstract. Performance tuning a parallel application involves integrating performance data from many components of the system, including the message passing ...
A new approach to automated performance diagnosis that incorporates knowledge from previous runs of the same application, and shows performance gains of up ...
The user of a parallel computer system would like to know the performance of a program in terms of how optimally it uses the system resources. This task is.
Evolving performance visualization into an integral, productive tool for evaluating parallel performance requires a more systematic, formal methodology that ...
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Chapter 6 discusses performance visualization techniques and tools for parallel systems from three stages: performance data collection, performance data ...
Integrated Visualization of Parallel Program Performance Data. Karen L. Karavanic, Jussi Myllymaki, Miron Livny, Barton P. Miller.
Towards the profile performance data, this paper provides a visualization method based on clustering of function characteristics, which combines the function ...
We have developed a framework for performance analysis and visualization called Projections for Charm++.