Informing the design of collaborative virtual environments. Authors: Steve Benford.
This paper seeks to address design issue by considering design issues pertaining to the development of CVEs with an examination of the design of a virtual.
The paper presents an initial framework for studying issues in the design and evaluation of Collaborative Virtual Environments based on immersive projection ...
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This paper proposes a CVEs framework for design research that focuses on practicability of each variable for providing design assistances in specific projects.
This paper addresses the design of Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs). More specifically, it considers key design issues concerning the use of either ...
Oct 22, 2024 · In this paper we discuss the use of modern information and communication technologies for distance education (DE) purposes.
Economou, D. 2004. Understanding social interaction and informing the design of virtual actors in collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) for learning.
This study comprehensively analyzes existing literature on CVEs, highlighting their ability to significantly change several fields, such as education, ...
Collaborative virtual environments provide the ability for collocated and remote participants to communicate and share information with each other.
We present design principles for 3D virtual environment collaboration technology for process diagram creation and validation.