The key novel feature of the algorithm is the ability to infer effects on nested heap regions. Besides DPJ, we also illustrate how the algorithm can be used for ...
We implemented the effect inference algorithm in an interactive tool called DPJIZER. A programmer can use DPJIZER to infer method effects for a Java or a DPJ.
The key novel feature of the algorithm is the ability to infer effects on nested heap regions. Besides DPJ, we also illustrate how the algorithm can be used for ...
to infer effects for programs even on nested heap regions, including recursive as well as non-recursive data structures. ... results in all executions for a given ...
An effect inference algorithm and an Eclipse plug-in, DPJizer, which alleviate the burden of writing effect annotations for a language called Deterministic ...
The key novel feature of the algorithm is the ability to infer effects on nested heap regions. Besides DPJ, we also illustrate how the algorithm can be used for ...
Data in the heap is partitioned into regions, so the compiler can calculate the read and write effects of each variable access in terms of regions. Methods are ...
Inferring method effect summaries for nested heap regions. M Vakilian, D Dig, R Bocchino, J Overbey, V Adve, R Johnson. Automated Software Engineering, 2009.
Inferring Method Effect Summaries for Nested Heap Regions. Article. Full-text ... The key novel feature of the algorithm is the ability to infer effects on nested ...
Apr 25, 2024 · Inferring Method Effect Summaries for Nested Heap Regions. ASE 2009: 421-432. [c2]. view. electronic edition via DOI; electronic edition via DOI ...