When modern out-of-order processors handle interrupts precisely, they typically begin by flushing the pipeline. Doing so makes the CPU available to execute ...
The general-purpose precise interrupt mechanism, which has long been used to handle exceptional conditions that occur infre-.
When modern out-of-order processors handle interrupts precisely, they typically begin by flushing the pipeline. Doing so makes the CPU available to execute ...
Because the frequency of TLB misses tends to increase with memory footprint, there is pressure on the precise interrupt mechanism to become more lightweight.
When the processor detects a TLB miss, it checks to see if enough space exists within the reorder buffer and enough resources exist, if so, it sets the ...
In-Line Interrupt Handling for Software Managed TLBs. Aamer Jaleel and Bruce Jacob. Electrical and Computer Engineering. University of Maryland at College Park.
In-line interrupt handling for software-managed TLBs can ultimately achieve the same performance as hardware-managed TLBs. Note that hard- ware-managed TLBs ...
In-line interrupt handling for software-managed TLBs ; Implementation of precise interrupts in pipelined processors. Smith J.E., Pleszkun A.R. ; Circuits for wide ...
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Bibliographic details on In-Line Interrupt Handling for Software-Managed TLBs.
This paper concentrates on improving the performance of precisely handling software managed translation look-aside buffer (TLB) interrupts, one of the most ...