We developed a method to improve the precison of Web retrieval based on the semantic relationships between and proximity of keywords for two-keyword queries. We ...
Oct 22, 2024 · One solution is to focus on the proximity of keywords in the search results. Filtering keywords by semantic relationships could also be used. We ...
This work has developed a method to improve the precison of Web retrieval based on the semantic relationships between and proximity of keywords for ...
Abstract. Based on recent studies, the most common queries in Web searches involve one or two keywords. While most Web search engines perform very well.
In this paper, we propose a method to improve Web retrieval precision based on semantic relationships and proximity of keywords for two-keyword queries. We ...
We developed a method to improve the precison of Web retrieval based on the semantic relationships between and proximity of keywords for two-keyword queries. We ...
This paper proposes a method to improve the precison of Web retrieval based on proximity and density of keywords for two-keyword queries.
A method to improve the precison of Web retrieval based on proximity and density of keywords for two-keyword queries by implementing a system that re-ranks Web ...
Jan 11, 2024 · The aim of this paper is to propose, tune and evaluate an automatic procedure to generate semantic resources which can be exploited by query expansion-based ...
Missing: Proximity | Show results with:Proximity
We propose a statistical ontology-based semantic ranking algorithm based on sentence units, and a new type of query interface including wildcards. First, we ...