The authors describe the implementation of the runtime system, which provides the concurrency and communication primitives between objects in a distributed ...
Parallel Programming Using C++ · Read More · The NAS Parallel Benchmarks for evaluating C++ parallel programming frameworks on shared-memory architectures.
The authors describe the implementation of the runtime system, which provides the concurrency and communication primitives between objects in a distributed ...
pC++ is a language extension to C++ designed to allow programmers to compose \concurrent aggregate" collection classes which can be aligned and distributed.
The authors describe the implementation of the runtime system, which provides the concurrency and communication primitives between objects in a distributed ...
May 23, 2016 · Description: This library contains a Scalable Parallel implementation of Conjugate Gradient Dense Linear System Solver library that is NUMA- ...
Jun 12, 2013 · Meanwhile, despite the scaling systems, certain classs of applications are not able to to scale using conventional computation models. HPX ...
Aug 22, 2012 · C++ allows you to be very efficient with the memory architecture without much effort. If your application is fundamentally bound by memory ...
This paper describes the design and implementation of a parallel C language for scalable parallel systems.
Missing: C++ | Show results with:C++
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In this work, we introduce a specialized set of micro-benchmarks to assess the scalability of the parallel algorithms in the STL.