Abstract. We propose a declarative-based implementation of randomised algorithms, which exploits the Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) paradigm. For the.
PDF | this paper, we propose a declarative-based implementation of randomised algorithms, which exploits the Concurrent Constraint Programming (CCP).
Implementing randomised algorithms in constraint logic programming · Contents. JICSLP'98: Proceedings of the 1998 joint international conference and symposium on ...
Jun 2, 2020 · We present a novel approach to generating random logic programs and random probabilistic logic programs using constraint programming.
Missing: Implementing | Show results with:Implementing
We propose a declarative-based implementation of randomised algorithms, which exploits the Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) paradigm. For the high-level ...
We present a novel approach to generating random logic programs and random probabilistic logic programs using constraint programming, introducing a new ...
Aug 21, 2020 · Presentation of CP2020 paper "Generating Random Logic Programs Using Constraint Programming" by Paulius Dilkas and Vaishak Belle.
We propose a constraint-based ap- proach to finding pseudo-random solutions, inspired by the Kolmogorov complexity definition of randomness and by data ...
Implementing Randomised Algorithms in Constraint Logic Programming (With N. Angelopoulos and H. Wiklicky.) Proc. of the Joint International Conference and ...
Jun 2, 2020 · We present a novel approach to generating random logic programs and random probabilistic logic programs using constraint programming, ...
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