Process simulation has become a powerful technology in support of software project management and process improvement over the past decades.
An initial report of the research intends to investigate the technology transition of software process simulation to the use in industrial settings, ...
Process simulation has become a powerful technology in sup- port of software project management and process improve- ment over the past decades.
Process simulation has become a powerful technology in support of software project management and process improvement over the past decades.
Process simulation has become a powerful technology in support of software project management and process improvement over the past decades.
An initial report of the research intends to investigate the technology transfer of software process simulation to the use in industrial settings, ...
Software process simulation modeling is increasingly being used to address a variety of issues from the strategic management of software development, ...
People also ask
Why is process simulation important?
What does process simulation aim at improving?
Why is process simulation valuable in analyzing and optimizing complex production processes?
What is the significance of process studies and simulation modelling?
Software process simulation (SPS) has been evolving over the past two decades after being introduced to the software engineering community in the 1980s.
Software process simulation modeling is increasingly being used to address a variety of issues from the strategic management of software development.