When the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging is applied to observe a ground scene containing a ground moving target, the moving target image will be ...
This work describes a new algorithm for detecting and imaging moving targets in single or summed channel SAR imagery, building upon previous work in this area [ ...
The proposed imaging network can achieve faster and more accurate SAR images of ground moving targets under a low sampling ratio and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ...
The aim of this paper is to analyse the signatures of moving targets in SAR images and to present techniques to detect them, from one single image to multiple.
Zhou et al., “Approach for single channel SAR ground moving target imaging and motion parameter estimation,” IET Radar, Sonar &. Navigation, vol. 1, no. 1 ...
In recent years, ground moving target imaging in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has attracted the attention of many researchers all over the world.
TL;DR: A novel method is proposed for the imaging of ground moving target with motion error compensation that can accurately estimate the motion parameters ...
A new approach for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging of ground moving targets that can correct range curvature for all targets in one processing step, ...
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) exploits the radar platform motion to form a large antenna aperture and, therefore, to provide high resolution images of an ...
Peng, “A velocity estimation algorithm of moving targets using single antenna SAR,” ... Bao, “Approach for single channel SAR ground moving target imaging and ...