In this paper, we tackle the problem of image-goal navigation which is a crucial robot navigation task but also a hard problem especially when there exist ...
Abstract—In this paper, we tackle the problem of image- goal navigation which is a crucial robot navigation task but also a hard problem especially when ...
In this paper, we tackle the problem of Image-Goal Navigation, where an agent is asked to find the viewpoint of a given goal image in an unseen environment.
A novel reinforcement learning-based approach which simultaneously utilizes self-supervised local features and global features from an observed image and a ...
In response to these challenges, learning-based methods offer a fresh paradigm for navigation tasks through concise end-to-end networks. This shift has given ...
Oct 11, 2023 · Existing RL-based methods tackle the ImageNav problem by learning an observation encoder and a goal encoder separately, and then fusing their ...
Image-Goal Navigation via Metric Mapping and Keypoint based Reinforcement Learning. JS Heo, Y Choi, S Oh. 2021 21st International Conference on Control, ...
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Image-Goal Navigation via Metric Mapping and Keypoint based Reinforcement Learning. JS Heo, Y Choi, S Oh. 2021 21st International Conference on Control, ...
This work presents a memory-augmented approach for image-goal navigation based on an attention-based end-to-end model that leverages an episodic memory to ...
May 1, 2024 · A dataset for Image-Goal Navigation in Habitat. This repo contains the training & evaluation data used in the paper Memory-Augmented Reinforcement Learning for ...
Missing: Keypoint- Based