An overview is given of some current research activities on the design of high-performance controllers for plants with uncertain dynamics, ...
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The identification of dynamical systems on the basis of data, measured under closed-loop experimental conditions, is a problem which is highly relevant in many ...
In this contribution we study the statistical properties of a number of closed-loop identification methods and parameterizations.
Recommendations · Bias of anticipated non-parametric closed-loop frequency response for controller gain re-tuning. Abstract · Robust intelligent tracking control ...
Identification in closed-loop is unavoidable in the case of plants unstable in open-loop, like is often the case in applications (integrator behavior, ...
May 1, 2019 · I want to use the system identification tool on MATLAB, but don't know how to calculate the open-loop input to the plant for a closed-loop system.
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For any unstable system like magnetic suspension we can use closed loop system by feedback control and identify the system and helpful for all unstable plant.
An overview is given of some current research activities on the design of high-performance controllers for plants with uncertain dynamics, ...
Abstract: This paper summarizes the organization of a graduate course on control related topics in identification. The course is taught at the department of ...
This paper aims to show that earlier contributions in this area suffer from a closed-loop identification problem. A novel solution is presented based on closed- ...